New Mom Support Groups in
Palm Desert, CA
New Moms Support Groups in Palm Desert, CA
You begin your journey as a mother with the desire to do it well and raise happy, healthy children. You want to do it right. All of it. You have spent months imagining who this baby is and will become, what this baby will mean to you, to your relationship with your partner, and how baby will affect the life you were leading before pregnancy. You have a genuine desire to raise this baby in all the right ways; you’ve observed firsthand ‘the wrong ways’ through millions of interactions you’ve had with your own parents, caregivers, watching parents in public and in the media and you know you want to approach your new baby differently. Given all that, you never expected the early days to be so intense.
New Moms Support Groups Near Me
Beyond Mommy and Me
You’re realizing the phrase ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ was not spoken lightly. You’d like to meet other mothers who are learning at the same time you are, and who can become friends and trusted allies as you continue your parenting journey through to your child’s adulthood. You want to have a deep and satisfying relationship with your infant, toddler, preschooler and older child and have made an effort to read relevant books and learn from others, but now that baby is here, you don’t have a clear idea of WHAT TO DO, even after reading all the books. You know you see things in the wider world that you don’t want to do with your own child, but it sometimes seems to be so normalized, as if everyone does it, that it’s hard to see how you could forge a different path.
Baby Groups Near Me: Groups Are For Growing
Lauren Fox, LCSW, Therapist Palm Desert.
Women throughout history have benefited from the support, sharing and companionship of one another. They’ve learned through observation of their own and one another’s infants. They’ve shared real experiences and the resources they’ve found valuable. First time and mothers of multiple children can all benefit from the shared experience that occurs during the newborn and infancy phase of life- not only for your child but for you and the other members of your family. There is no one right way, and in your new moms support group you can recognize what works for your specific situation through knowing you and your baby.
What are New Moms Support Groups Like?
In these groups, mothers will meet weekly and benefit from integrating methods of child development and parenting with the fields of neuroscience, mindfulness research and infant-parent mental health. Topics include the development of basic rhythms and regulation in sleep, feeding and play, infant attachment, current cognitive, motor and emotional/social development as well as concepts of neuroscience which illuminate child development and parenting. Moms come to new moms support group meet up in Palm Desert with questions about returning to work and childcare, managing so much "parenting advice" and ultimately develop their own wisdom to find balance in daily life.
New Moms Support Groups with Lauren Fox, LCSW, Therapist in Palm Desert, CA
Who Attends New Moms Support Groups?
Mothers attend with babies all born within a few months of age. Groups meet weekly, and in each session we observe the babies' development and changing behaviors. Mothers commit to a monthly membership of four sessions. Membership fee is $140 per cycle. This is payable regardless of attendance. Cycles continue until the children are about 18 months old.
How Do I Attend New Moms Support Group Palm Desert?
Fill out an interest form today for more information and the current monthly schedule.
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”
— Rajneesh